Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Blood Pressure Lab

Systolic Blood pressure is the first number you record when taking someones blood pressure. For example if your blood pressure is 120/80 the systolic blood pressure is 120.  It represents the pressure when the heart contracts.  Your diastolic blood pressure is the second number and it is when the heart relaxes.  We used a stethoscope to measure our heart rates, and to measure our blood pressure we used stethoscope and a sphygomomanometer. Using your thumb to measure blood pressure is not ideal because your thumb has a heart beat also, so it would interfere with the other heart beat your measuring. To use a sphygomomanometer you put it on the person's upper arm whose blood pressure is being measured and you tighten it so its tight but not restricting.  To record the blood pressure you need a stethoscope so you would place it on their inner elbow and the hearing parts in your ears to listen, then you would have one hand on the stethoscope and your other hand holding the bulb that you squeeze your hand and it pumps air into the arm cuff. You pump the bulb until its around 180 and then you slowly release the air, you listen for the heart beat and as soon as you hear it you record the first number and then when the heart beat noise stops you record that number too. You put the first number you recorded over the second number you recorded and thats your blood pressure.
Blood Pressure Cuff and Stethoscope

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