Monday, August 31, 2015

Nerve Cells

Nerve cells can be found as small as 4 microns wide and as big as 100 microns wide. Nerve cells function by sending electrical signals, they also have dendrites and axons.  According to the University of Washington's website, dendrites are part of the nerve cell that brings electrical signals to the cell, they send electrical messages to the cell body and it helps the cell function.  An axon is the part of a nerve cell that takes information away from the cell body.  Nerve cells are found all over your body in the nervous system.  Nerve cells transfer messages from one part of your body to another. Nerve cells are found in nerve tissue.  

Works cited:
Charand, Ka Xiong. "Nerve Cells." Nerve Cells. R Nave, n.d. Web.
Chundler, Eric H. "Neuroscience." N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2015.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Sweetness Lab

In this lab, we collected eight kinds of carbohydrates and figured out their structures,what kind of carbohydrates they were and their functions to see if any of these aspects affect their tastes. The eight carbohydrates we used were sucrose,glucose, fructose, galactose, maltose, lactose, starch, and cellulose.  After tasting these carbohydrates we came to the conclusion that the monosaccharides were the sweetest, the polysaccharides were the least sweet, and the disaccharides were in the middle.  All of these carbohydrates are found in food, or occurs naturally. Sucrose is sugar so its found in most foods, glucose is also a sugar and a product of photosynthesis, fructose is found in fruits and honeys, galactose is found in milk and whey, maltose is found in grain, corn syrup, and forms of starch, lactose is found in milk and occurs in the milk of mammals, starch is found in potatoes, wheat, corn, and cellulose is found in cell walls, so vegetables and plants.